
Selasa, 24 Januari 2012


The Negative Impacts of National Examination
The examination is the main determinant of graduation for students. It is only oriented to cognitive assessment, assessment of attitudes, morals, manners, etc aside. The national examination is a scary thing for most of the students. From year to year, government increases the standard of graduation grade. Even the subjects tested also increased. It is clearly more difficult for students. After three years in school, the graduation is only specified in the national examination. It is unfair for them. There are some negative impacts from the national examination. First, most of  the students experienced stress and oppressed before, during, and after the national examination, especially students who feel less prepared for the national examination so that many students cannot focus when they do the national examination questions. Second, the students will pay attention to grades than knowledge which they got in the school. Third, there are many frauds various backgrounds. Many parties requested for national exam review because it has given the big impact for students, but until now, the examination still is being run and be the main determinant of graduation for students.
The graduation standard grade is increasing from year to year. It makes students feel stressed and oppressed before, during, and after the national examination. They feel a sense of misgivings if they fail on the national examination. During the national examination, students usually feel nervous, moreover when they see the face of an invigilator who looks so strict. After the national examination, students still feel stressed because they feel the excessive concern on the result of examination. They think about their result of the exam what the result is good or not. Feeling stressed and oppessed are not only experienced by students. Parents, teachers, and school also feel like that. First, parents feel worried if their child fails on the national examination. If it happens, they will feel embrassed. They also feel failed to be parents. Second, teachers also feel worried of their students. If their students fail, they feel unsuccess when they taught. Because of that, teachers do strive so that their students can succeed on the national examination. The teachers and parents work together with school parties, such as holding try out and praying together. Finally, when the announcement of graduation is held, all the feelings become one. The students who successfully pass the exam will feel happy, whereas they who fail will feel stressed or depressed. Some students who fail on the national examination and give up, they usually choose to end their life than they have to live with bear a sense of shame. The condition is so sad.
Most of the students will concetrate on the grade than knowledge which they got in the school. They just think about how to get good grades instead of how the way to get the beneficial knowledge. They look for how to answer the questions of national examination quickly and exactly. They learned just for facing a preparation of the national examination. Therefore, after the national examination finished, they will forget what they have learned. Besides that, they just concern about subjects included in the national examination. While other subjects that are not included in the national examination are ignored. Whereas all subjects should be tested because they are equally important subjects for living in the future. Ahead before the national examination, the students were busy to look for answer about the examples of the national examination questions. They should prioritize more on understanding the concepts than just remembering how to quickly answer the national examination questions. When students find different and difficult questions, they can still find the solution of questions. The learning process is only emphasized to cognitive aspects than other aspects such as affective and psychomotor aspects which are ignored.
The national examination often triggers the occurrence of fraud or dishonesty in its execution. First, it comes from students. Some students usually find exam questions before the national examination, they share answer to other. Moreover, bulk cheating during the national examination already becomes the culture among students. The smartest student in the class became a key in the national examination. The students tend to be unconfident of their own capability. They choose to depend on their smartest friends. They are afraid if their answers are wrong and suffer a big risk of failed being on the national examination. Besides, there are teachers who also do cheating when the national examination takes place. Some teachers help their students by sending the answer of the subjects which are being tested. Although they know what they have done is wrong, but they insist that what they do for the good of their students. It is one of the factors the descent of motivation learning students.
            The national examination has given many negative impacts for our education world. First, most of the students feel stressed and oppressed before, during, and after the national examination. The feeling is experienced by students, parents, teachers, and schools. So that, all parties work together for the students’s success. Second, most of the students will concetrate move on the grade value than knowledge which they got in the school. The students just concern about subjects included in the national examination and the other subjects are ignored. Actually, all subjects are equally important for living in the future. Third, the graduation standard grade is increasing from year to year. It also makes students give up and choose to find shortcuts. Bulk cheating during the national examination already become the culture among students. Besides, some teachers help their students by sending the answer of the subjects which are being tested. The condition is so scary. The government should re-arrange the education system in this country. This is not the time for the government to look for a good reputation in education by increasing the national graduation grade, but this is time to increase the quality of students so that they can compete in the global competition.

References :

Godam64. (2008, June 25). Efek dampak buruk standar nilai ujian nasional UN tinggi demi peningkatan kualitas pendidikan Indonesia. Retrieved December 07, 2011, from:

Refleksi UN, matinya teori belajar. Retrieved December 07, 2011, from:
Checep05. ( 2009, July 10). Dampak buruk ujian nasional. Retrieved December 07, 2011, from:
(2010, March 20). Ujian nasional berkonotasi negatif? Retrieved December 07, 2011, from:

Reading Portfolio 4

Importance of sleeping in human life

Half of our life we spend sleeping and we really don't bother to even think on it. We rarely think what actually happens with our body. Sleep is nothing but the way to rest our body, during which we are relieved from tension and the consciousness of world is suspended. It is a natural process and occurs after specific interval by default. While in sleep we have lessened movement of the skeletal muscles and slowed-down metabolism.

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Stages of sleep:

Basically there are five different stages of sleep. At start as we go to the bed we enter the first stage of sleep. Initially for about 5 to 10 minutes until we go to sleep we do keep turning on the bed. We are more cautious and can be awakened easily. Our eyes blink very slowly and muscle activity slows down. In next stage we become disengaged with the environment, breathing and heart rate are regular and body temperature goes down. While in 3rd and 4th stages of sleep we go into deep sleep and it is very difficult to wake someone during this period. The body activities slow down; breathing becomes slower and relaxed; energy regained; and hormones are released for growth and development. People who get awakened during deep sleep do not adjust immediately and often feel groggy and disoriented for several minutes after they wake up.

Sleeping is it waste of time?

No actually is just like an investment one makes in buying property. It will pay off definitely. Good sleep is required since it gives good health, mental and emotional functioning and safety. So we must find out time from our daily busy schedule give rest to our working brain. Brain also requires rest it starts to give up after long working hours. People who don't get proper sleep and feel it as waste of time, most of them get on with chronic insomnia. They are more likely than others to develop several kinds of psychiatric problems, and health problems.

Amount of sleep:

The amount of sleep each person needs depends on many factors, including age. If we don't feel sleepy throughout the day means we got enough sleep. Scientifically small babies require more sleep around 15-16 hours. The young people sleep for 8-9 hours and the adults require 7-8 hours sleep. However it's much dependent on that particular individual's body requirement also. While some feel comfortable with say 8 hrs of sleep another person may require 9hrs also.

For most people who have to travel different time zones should try to follow the day night sleep according to that country's clock which they are going to visit. This prepares body for change in schedule of daily routine.

Factors affecting sleep at night:

1) Environment: A distracting sleep environment such as a room that's too hot or cold, too noisy or too brightly lit can be a barrier to sound sleep. And interruptions from children or other family members can also disrupt sleep. Other influences to pay attention to are the comfort and size of your bed and the habits of your sleep partner. If you have to lie beside someone who has different sleep preferences, snores, can't fall or stay asleep, or has other sleep difficulties, it often becomes your problem too. So, be sure that there are no such disturbances.

2) Illness: A number of physical problems can interfere with your ability to fall or stay asleep. The pain of backache, stomachache can cause problems. So consult doctor for medicines in such case.

3) Mental Condition:If we have stress in our mind before going to bed it will cause hurdle in sleep. So forget your burden by watching light comedy movie or some books. This will help to reduce tension.

Risk associated with poor sleep

Sleep deprivation can be dangerous. Not getting enough sleep makes feel irritable, lose patience and to get angry while driving. Most of the accidents that occur across globe are due to improper sleep. Feeling sleepy during the daytime reduces the efficiency at work. This results in loss of millions of rupees around the world. Studies show that lack of sleep leads to problems completing a task, concentrating, making decisions and unsafe actions. Recent research suggests that sleep deprivation impacts on aging and diabetes.

Sleep related diseases:

Insomnia, Circadian Rhythm Disorders, sleep apnea, sleeps walking and sleep attacks are some of the diseases related to sleeping. All these can be avoided if we follow regular sleep patterns, do regular exercise meditation and yoga practice.

It's often seen that worker people enjoy the pleasure of having good sleep. This is because the amount of work they do and have fixed daily routine. Sleep cannot be purchased and even many rich people bend their knees in front of it. So follow proper schedule and find enough time that you can have for proper sleep.
By Yogesh Ambekar
Last Updated: 10/12/2011

Sleeping is one of the break manner for our body after doing many activities all day. During sleeping, our muscles stretchable and metabolism slowed. We don’t know what happened with our body when we are sleeping.
Stages of sleep:
There are five basic steps in sleep. First step, we entered the bedroom. At 5 until 10 minutes early is still awake. Second step, our eyes wink slowly and muscle activity also slowly. We began regardless of the environment, breath and irregular heartbeat start and body temperature began to down. At third and fourth step, we began sleep soundly and difficult to awakened. The people who are suddenly awakened, they will get shocked and confused for a while.
Sleeping is it waste of time?
We need time for break after doing many activities which drain our energy and thoughts all day. So, sleeping is very needed for our healthy, mental, and emotional. Besides, when we sleep, we can relax our brain. Only special people who suffer from insomnia regard sleeping as an activity that is a waste of time.
Amount of sleep:
Everybody has different sleeping duration. There are some factors which can affect it, such as age, activity, gender, etc. Everybody requires a special way to sleep. For example, someone experienced travel long distances needs more time to sleep than people who dwell in the house all day.
Factors affecting sleep at night:
1.      Environment
Environment factor  influences one’s sleep at night like bedroom condition which is so cold or so hot, noisy, snoring, comfortable, etc.
2.      Illness
Some illness and physic problem can disturb to sleep or still sleep. If the things happen to continue, the people should consult to the doctor about their illness.

3.      Mental Condition
If someone is stressed, the people will be difficult to sleep. Although they can sleep, they will sleep restlessly. The people should eliminate the burden by watching comedian movie and read comedian book because it can reduce tension.
Risk associated with poor sleep
Lack of sleep can affect a person's emotions. They can be easy to get angry. They could not focus and concentration. For some peoples who have special profession. For example, driver. Many accidents happened because the driver was sleepy. It was very dangerous. The new experiment shows that one of bad effect from lack of sleep is aging and diabetes.
Sleep related diseases:
Insomnia, Circadian Rhythm Disorders, sleep apnea, sleeps walking and sleep attacks are some of the diseases related to sleeping. The diseases can be eliminated by a good lifestyle, like enough sleep, eat regularly, exercise considerable, etc.
Sleep cannot be bought. For some peoples who have full activities, can sleep very well is an enjoyment of its own. Follow a good lifestyle and be healthy human.


The article is very great. The article tells about importance of sleep. Everybody needs time to sleep every day. The quantity and quality of sleep can be influenced by some factors like environment, age, activity, gender, etc. Someone who is lack of sleep usually is easy to get5 sick because their healthy has decreased. So, although our activities are so full, we must remember to rest like sleeping for some time. Someone who lacks of sleep usually their face will be so tired and like don’t have power in their body. Their focus and concentration will be also decreased. It’s so disturbing their activities especially their activities which need more focus and concentration. So, sleep is very important for everybody. Sometimes, someone feel sleep is one of activities which waste time. They think like that because they have insomnia. Insomnia is a symptoms or problem difficult to sleep. It usually influenced by emotion or physical problem. Insomnia is so disturbing. The people who have insomnia should consult with doctor about their symptoms. Beside sleeping enough, for keeping our health, we must pay attention on our food which we consume and do sport. So, we can be healthy human.

I ever experienced insomnia. I felt difficult to sleep. My feeling was so restless and in the next day, I felt lazy to do activities. I could not focus when I got lesson from my teacher. It’s so annoying. I tried to get rid of these symptoms. Finally, I could sleep normally like others.

After I did long distance traveling, I felt so tired. I usually needed extra time for sleep because when I did travelling, I don’t get enough time to sleep. If I changed time for sleeping, I would experience decrease of my immune. So, I agree with article that sleep is very important. We must sleep as needed.  

Reading Portfolio 3

Problems of Young Adults
There are several problems that young adults face. In the following article we shall shed more light on some of the problems of young adults and understand how to solve them...

Being a young adult has got to be one of the most difficult times in a person's life. You're at a stage where you don't feel like a child anymore and neither do you feel ready to take up all the responsibilities that adulthood brings with it. At this base juncture of turning into an adult and being able to take care of yourself, there are several and varied issues that can plague a young adult. These issues and problems span over a diverse field and affect all aspects of their life. It is these problems of young adults that we will be talking about in the following article. If you need to know what some of these problems of young adults are, continue reading.

The term problems of young adults is very broad and can span over several areas. In order to streamline it a little, the problems young adults face have been divided into emotional and physical problems. In the article that follows, we shall get into a little more detail regarding these two areas.
Problems Young Adults Face - Emotional

There are several emotional problems that young adults face. This has mostly got to do with their age and with change in their hormones. Let us look at some of these in more detail.

Need to Express
In this age there is a need for expression of thoughts and feelings. But since they have not been living in society and know nothing about societal pressures and constraints, they do not understand that this need to express themselves cannot be used in whichever way they want, but has to be used with discretion. They therefore often experience the 'foot in mouth' syndrome and find it difficult to deal with pressures of mincing their words.

Need to be an Independent Adult
This is where the problems of discipline arise. There is a need to be an independent adult, yes, but they haven't learned the ropes of it yet and therefore when parents try to discipline them, they want to rebel and oppose and put forth their rights as adults. It is due to this reason that they often go through the 'no one understands me' phase, which can lead to varied problems like depression and the like.

Need for Acceptance
At this stage the need to be with others of your own age is primal. Being a part of a group and developing
healthy relationships and getting acceptance from them is of prime importance. And as it usually happens, there are bound to be misunderstandings and clashes in a group. When that happens, they often get into a self-pitying mode of how no one understands them.

Need to Succeed
There is an innate need to stand on their own feet and prove themselves and their capabilities to the world. If there is any hurdle in that path, it leads to varied psychological problems like stress, depression and anger.

Problems Young Adults Face - Physical

There are several physical problems of young adults as well. Here are some of the common ones.

The change in hormonal levels, stress, unhealthy lifestyles (food, drink), lack of exercising and keeping late hours, among others can all lead to
acne in a young adult.

Obesity has become a more common problem in the recent years because of the sedentary lifestyles that have been adopted. Lack of exercising and eating of unhealthy foods causes this problem to arise. Along with it being a physical problem, there are several other problems caused by obesity as well. It is also a psychological problem and leads to other body problems like heart and high blood pressure problems.

The amount of organs and bodily functions that there are in the body, that and more is the scope for bodily problems to arise. But the more common problems of young adults that can arise are memory problems in young adults. This is because stress and depression are the main culprits as far as
memory loss in young adults as a problem is concerned. Along with that there are thyroid problems in young adults as well that make a common appearance as do eating disorders

These were some of the problems of young adults that we have briefly touched upon in this article. And now that you know what they can be, it'll help you be prepared, or if you're already facing them, it'll help you to seek help and treatment for the same.

By RujutaBorkar
Published: 10/28/2010

Source :

Being a young adult is the transition period from childhood to adulthood. In the transition period, every young adult has many problems. Young adult is difficult period. Most of them do not want to be called a child again but they are not ready for the responsibility. Their problems usually are about emotional or physical. In the below will be explained about young adult’s problem.
1.      Emotional problem
Emotional problems are usually influenced by hormonal changes in body.
·         Need to express
Actually they need to express their mind and feeling but they don’t know how to express their mind and feeling wisely. They just do something which they like. Because of that, they often experience foot in mouth syndrome and difficult to face the pressure.
·         Need to be an independent adult
This is discipline stage. They are not ready to be a discipline person, when their parents try to train them discipline, they will be rebellion and resistant. They do it because they felt no one understands them until they are depressed.
·         Need to acceptance
This stage is part of a group and developing healthy relationships with other persons. Getting the acceptance from other persons is very important in this stage. Usually, in this stage misunderstanding because often happens fell no one understands them.
·         Need to success
They have the desire to show their capabilities to the world. But, if there is any problem in the path, it leads to various psychological problems.
2.      Physical
·         Acne
There are many things which influence acne on their face, for example changes of hormones, stress, unhealthy life style, etc.

·         Obesity
Obesity can be complicated. Obesity can decrease their confidence. Besides, obesity can make them have some problem with their health. Obesity is usually influenced by unhealthy lifestyle, less sport, etc.
Other things which influence young adult like memories and thyroid problem.
I think the article is very interesting because now I will be young adult. I agree with the article that young adult is a difficult period. The period can make us feel confused and we will think what we must do. We will find many problems which make us feel depressed when we cannot solve the problem. Besides that, we are difficult to control our emotion. Sometimes, we can handle our emotion. But, sometimes we cannot handle our emotion because our emotion tends to be unstable. I also cannot control my emotion. When I feel tired, I am very sensitive. I can be angry easily if someone deliberately provokes my emotion. When I have a problem and I do not find the solution, I will be drop. I am a sensitif girl, so I often express my emotion by crying. Although, I know that when I cry, my problem is not fixed.
We also feel uncomfortable with our performance. For example, we have acne in our face. Our confidence will be decreasing. We certainly want to be perfect. We do not want have any mistakes. We do everything so that we feel comfortable with our performance. Moreover, when we fall in love with the opposite sex. I ever experienced it. I felt uncomfortable. I was so ashamed when I met other persons. I tried to solve my problem. I bought a medicine for my acne.
Usually, young adult is the period of intimacy vs. isolation. In this period, young adult tries to have a relationship and cooperation with other person. They try to be themselves and not to imitate other persons. I also try to build a relationship with other persons and I am happy because I have many friends. I can share my problem, my feeling or others to them.